Sunday, November 21, 2010

The First Years Booster Giveaway

I'm a huge fan of The Bragging Mommy blog reviews and giveaways, and I'm especially a fan of this one. This week, there is a giveaway for The First Years Compass B570 Pathway Booster Car seat. It's good for children between 30 and 100 pounds or 3-10 years old. How awesome is that!? Some other features of this car seat that I LOVE are removable dishwasher safe cup holders, an easy one fold system so it's easy to move, and an anchor system to keep it in place when your child isn't in it. With my current booster seat, every time my daughter climbs in and out, I have to adjust it. If she spills her drink in the cupholder, I have to soak up the spill, clean it out, then dry it off, and hope that I got it clean. And in my two door car, taking the car seat in and out to clean is almost more trouble than it's worth. The First Years Compass B570 Booster would be an incredible improvement than what we have now. And best of all, these are only a few of the features that makes this booster amazing. If you'd like to learn more about this car seat and enter for your chance to win it for your own child, visit:

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