Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Britax B-Ready Stroller Giveaway!

I've read reviews of the Britax B-Ready stroller before, and I am completely impressed with the design. I've vowed to enter every giveaway for this stroller that I can possibly find, and while on my quest, I stumbled upon the Natural Mommie Daily Blog. Not only is she hosting this amazing giveaway, but she's got a great blog as well. I've already added it to my reader, and I'm willing to bet you probably will too. Go here to enter for the chance to win a B-Ready stroller of your own:
http://naturalmommie.com/2010/10/britax-b-ready-stroller-review-giveaway-499/ . If a stroller doesn't interest you right now, check out her other current giveaways, or just take a look at some of the other great topics she covers.

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