Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hallmark Recordable Storybook Giveaway!

I'm an avid reader, and I want my daughters to grow up loving to read as well, so I or my husband try to read them stories whenever we can. It's something we do together at different times throughout the day, but especially at bedtime. Unfortunately, our youngest daughter sometimes set her own schedule, so we're at her mercy, and that means story time gets lost in the mix. I hate when that happens because I feel my older daughter misses out. She's a kindergartner this year and not yet old enough to read to herself, so when I learned about Hallmark's recordable storybooks, I was immediately interested. My husband or I could record ourself reading the story and simply leave it with our daughter on nights when things don't go as planned. There are 15 stories to choose from, and the books are very simple to use. Simply press the record button, read the story, then press another button to save the recording so it's not accidentally erased. Sounds great right? It gets better! Ascending Butterfly is giving THREE followers each a recordable storybook of their own. Visit their blog to find out how you can be one of those lucky three. Good luck everybody!

1 comment:

Ascending Butterfly said...

Thank you for blogging about the Hallmark Recordable Storybooks Giveaway on Ascending Butterfly! I am an avid reader as well! It is wonderful that you are dedicated to getting your daughters to develop your love of reading and books!

Good luck in the drawing!